Prove that you are innocent!

‘Ha ha! Yogis and Kings are at war! Not a surprise. The Becket story gets repeated so often.’ Lulu, my parrot said.

‘Your talk is all riddles to me. What are you referring to?’ I asked.

‘Ramdev Baba is saying that Raja must be put behind bars.’ Lulu answered fluttering his wings.

‘Oh come on Lulu. Ramdev Baba is no Becket and A Raja the minister is no Henry II. You should not make such wild statements. Moreover, do you know that soldiers of Henry II murdered Becket?’ I cautioned him.

‘If Ramdev Baba hears this, he will observe ‘Maun Vrat’ for life. You are carrying the analogy too far. Did you know what the Punjab & Haryana High Court has said?’ Lulu asked.

‘I never knew that you were attending the Court! What is it?’

‘In a labour case of Maruti Suzuki they said that it was for the dismissed workman to prove that he was not guilty!’ Lulu said.

‘That is interesting, or shocking I would say. But how is it related to Raja’s case?’

‘Well, why does not Government adopt that principle in Raja’s case?’ Lulu.


‘We should ask Ramdev Baba to advocate this argument.’ Lulu said and flew away.
