Buying a watch
I was acutely aware that it was perhaps my last flight before my retirement.
I was returning to India and my Korean Air flight from Far East landed at Seoul. I was scheduled to take a further Korean Air flight to Mumbai. It had become a habit to look at the ‘In flight shopping’ magazine during my travel abroad. I often thought of buying a watch for myself but refrained thinking that I must not make impulsive purchase. Good watches are available at half the list price, I said to myself, why buy an expensive one? My in-flight purchases never included any item for me; it was always for my wife or children.
The Korean Air In-flight Shopping magazine carried a picture of Tissot PRC 200 watch. It was the kind of watch I wanted to buy for a long time. And there was my last opportunity to buy one. I studied the advertisement with great curiosity and interest. The price was US $ 385.
At that price a middle class Maharashtrian like me has his mind wavering. Why waste money? I asked myself. I determinedly stayed away from buying it in the flight to Seoul. ‘There is another Korean Air flight to take’, I told myself. Let me give it some more thought I decided.
At Seoul airport I decided not to look at shops displaying watches. I knew I will fall prey. I almost entered a shop but held myself back. This was straight out of a Wodehouse plot. After successfully holding myself back, I decided that if there was a good watch at a reasonable price I should consider picking up one. I spotted one Tissot PRC 200.
Since I had not picked up one in flight I now decided that I will buy it only if they offered me some discount. I said to myself firmly ‘No discount, No purchase’. My pride was at stake now, after all everybody gives some discount. ‘How much one pays for this one?’ I asked pointing out the Tissot watch. ‘US $ 385’, the salesgirl said. ‘Surely you will give me some discount’ I asked. ‘If she does not give me any discount I will not buy that watch’ I told myself yet again.
‘Yes, US $ 10’, she said. That made it US $ 375. I made a quick calculation, it translated to Rs. 18750. ‘Too much’ I thought. [It is about twice the monthly salary a graduate will earn in India]. But there was no escape now. I had asked for discount and she had given.
One voice said ‘Buy! This is your last visit abroad’ and the other shouted, ‘You are throwing away money’. The first voice grew stronger, ’You asked for a discount and obtained it, so what’s the problem?’ The impulsive buyer in me finally took complete control, I asked, ‘You take credit card?’
I came home with the new watch. Sulabha, my wife, said she had been thinking of buying a good one for me and that it was good that I had picked up one for me. ‘You never bought anything for yourself whenever you went abroad’ she said. That made me more comfortable, but the question whether I should have spent so much money on a watch does pop up in my mind occasionally.
That’s the story of a middle class Indian’s mentality. He will regret buying, if he does. If he did not buy he will regret it when he reaches home! Either way he experiences pain!
I wonder what Vijay Mallya and people of his ilk feel when they go shopping?
Dear Sir,
Brilliant post. I have asked a similar question about my own actions in my new post.
I definitely can’t answer your quandry because I have gone through similar experiences and come up with no answer. Like you I have always ended up buying something for the missus and daughter.
‘Post Purchase Dissonance’ was one concept of marketing that i recall vividly. For, the first time the professor talked about it, i went, wow..that is me !
It has happened with every single purchase of significant value. And sometimes, insignificant value too.
And the ‘Pre-Purchase’ dissonance, is a constant companion of sorts !!
I have vicarious satisfaction that i am not alone…!
Oh Dear Vivek, I too have been there, done that and bought the tee shirt as I’m sure have millions of other folk ‘especially women’ by the way, never mind! you will, in time accept that it ‘was’ a good buy because you really liked the watch – you will however, never accept that it was a ‘good economical buy’ though! These are the things that try us Vivek – It is a ‘beautiful’ watch and I wish you many happy years of retirement wearing it.
Cheers Kate .
(not that this has anything to do with it but I have 20 watches and the ones I tend to wear are funnily enough the two ‘most expensive ones’. They just make me feel good).
I agree with Kate and with you. I’m a serious victim of should-I-shouldn’t-I-what-the-heck-let’s-do-it shopping syndrome, with guilt and slim wallets as the side effects.
On a more serious note, I really liked your previous post on body donation. My mom has signed all the required forms, and so have all of us, only I hope that we shall enough strength and presence of mind to do the needful when the time comes.
Thanks Ganesh, Kavi, Kate and Sucharita.
We must find out whether there is any rememdy on post purchase remorse. I liked Sucharita’s expression ‘should-I-shouldn’t-I-what-the-heck-let’s-do-it shopping syndrome’! Nice one.
Thanks again,
On a slightly more serious note, probably out of place here, one of the things I learnt from my parents generation was that on “happy occasions”, one must also learn to “give”. Preferably to those who have to live, without any options, in what they can have /not have, regardless, of whether it is life,health,money,a childhood or education.
Many times, this works wonderfully, not only for the rceeiver, but also for you….
On this particular purchase I think you should listen to your wife. You never bought things prior to this and this was something you may have wanted for a long time. It doesnt sound as if you spend a lot on yourself so enjoy it.
Everything in moderation is what my gandmother told me. We all know when we cross the line, its just sometimes we have to keep buying when we can least afford to, to feed some other issue altogether.
A good watch should last forever and it will be something to pass on to your children maybe one day.
Guilt is a regret over something material is wasted. Over people yes but things no.
What I would like to know now is, how many days in a week are you wearing that watch? Is it neatly kept alongwith the original packing in the locker of your bedroom cupboard waiting for that one special occasion to wear it or have you ultimately come to terms with reality that anyway $375/= is gone and now let me make full use of it!!!!Ramanujam
Congrats on the new watch. It is gorgeous. You have captured the dilemma of buying something so expensive very well. Damned if you buy, damned if you don’t 🙂
I have felt the dilemma myself. It is particularly damning to see something you desire so close to you. (other than the glass wall that probably prevents you from touching it)
However, you missed the point about the guilt one feels when one realizes that the object of desire was available cheaper in India! 🙂
Govindraj Umarji