Go! Smell the Flowers

My First Award comes from Ugich Konitari .
And I must confess I am feeling absolutely on a high now.
Here is what the Ugich Konitari says [Read it on the Gappa blog too, it has many wonderful and insightful posts]:

‘They say that God gave us our memories so that we might have roses in December.
While I am probably up to October, by now, it has been fun writing about the memories, and yes, one can already smell the fragrance….This explains the award .

This badge serves to acknowledge others who are, in their own way, smelling the flowers.

They maybe regular visitors to the GO! Smell the flowers community, one of our founders blogs or someone that could contribute here who is yet to visit! Maybe they have recovered from an illness, written a book, made waves in the blogosphere, won the lottery, inspire others, made a major shift in their life, won promotion, quit the rat race, raising a family, discovering their greatness and on it GO!s as more examples from around the world start to surface. They may not even have an online presence at all – that’s where this award differs! I would love to pass this award on to Vivek, Lakshmi, Hip Hop Grandmom, and Lilly…’

The Badge is proudly displayed alongside.
Thanks Gappa, Thanks a ton,