“You appear to be in a pensive mood” Lulu, the parrot, said settling down on my shoulder. “You must have read something in the book…

Cost cutting measures, particularly those taken during downturn, have always been seen with a degree of cynicism by employees. ‘This won’t work’ is the usual…

My son wanted a bicycle for himself. I told him that I would buy one for him if he ranked within first three in the…
![There is a Strike in the Air [India]!](https://vivekvsp.com/wp-content/themes/oxygen/images/archive-thumbnail-placeholder.gif)
Four Hundred pilots of Air India have threatened to go on strike. Here is what the news report says:“Our chairman Arvind Jadhav has issued a…

What happens when a dice throw gives you a six? Wikipedia tells me that “Six is the second smallest composite number divisors being 1, 2…

The Jet pilots’ strike is over. The outcome was very predictable. For all students of Industrial Relations, some lessons are retold. Lesson 1: Nobody takes…

A year ago Mr. Sriram Nanivadekar [‘Bhau’ to us] and pointed out a story of a boy living below poverty line. He wanted to study…

Searching relevant images and using them is very common and I have done it several times too. I just discovered that it could be unlawful….

India is a very peculiar country. In India the Government calls for strike [Tamil Nadu did it recently, the managements call for strike [Kingfisher and…