Memories on Trees: Mango
Is there any Marathi manoos who has not loved his mango tree? As for me, there are many memories of this tree. As a school boy we hurled stones at this tree to fell raw mangoes. Fruits taste wonderful when they are taken away from another man’s garden as if it was your birth right. You lose this worldview as you grow up and succumb to the pressures of the grown up men’s world.
There was, nay there is [it is still there, why use past tense?], a mango tree in the Asian Paints factory at Bhandup in Mumbai. If you are travelling on LBS Marg, you will see it unfortunately sandwiched between two three storey buildings. When I joined this company in 1975, both the buildings existed sans floors 1 to 3. And there was a big lush green well maintained lawn in between them. This mango tree used to look very majestic then, not like ‘a student punished to stand outside classroom’ as it does today.
I was returning from canteen with my then boss, Ajit Thakker. That was my very first day in Asian Paints. Boss noticed that three or four young workers had climbed up the tree and were plucking mangoes. I thought that a stern disciplinary action will follow. But I was in for a big surprise. Ajit Thakker walked over to the tree and said, “Don’t get down! Let me take a photograph. I want to show this to your family – let them see what their dad does in the factory.” I have never seen anybody climbing that tree again!
A year ago or so, this tree lost its friends and admirers. Yes, the factory is closed forever.
Vivek S Patwardhan
[pic shows male and female flowers of mango. My pictures. Please do not use pictures without permission. ©]
Mr Ajit Apte writes:
Dear Vivek,
Nice to remind the Mango tree:
Around my house at Ambarnath we had an Umbrella shaped tree, who's raw mangoes needed Brutal force to open. Mangoes tasted best with class mates & knives were not allowed in the school! So bully's had their day. Sometimes I even used large stone to crack open & smear with salt & chilli powder!
These parties were abruptly abandoned with Ringing of school bell! Thus the school was cruel but only to be lovely the next day!
Best regards,
Ajit Apte
Reminds me of an essay I read in school by Stephen Spender, in one of my English reader texts. The line I remember "Stolen fruit tastes the sweetest", or something to that effect. Nature gives us those ones, and even if Adam walked out of the garden with a fruit, he has no option now, but to plant a seed, and pray for rain.
My sense of the moment? Let's not raise Cain, if we can avoid it! Thanks for sharing fruit ripening from your garland of memories, Vivek.