It happens sometimes. One tends to doze off. Remains in his own world. Why this introduction? It is obvious it happened to me and I…

What is common between Priyanka, Rajiv Gandhi’s daughter and ATS Chief Hemant Karkare’s daughter?Both want to forgive the assailant of their father! Priyanka’s visit to…

Scientists have discovered a new species of human beings. They look like ‘homo sapiens’ but differ from them in their love for Limericks. They are…

I was acutely aware that it was perhaps my last flight before my retirement. I was returning to India and my Korean Air flight from…

I first came to know of Hitendran when somebody talked about him. ‘I will find it very difficult to donate my body for medical purpose’…

My First Award comes from Ugich Konitari .And I must confess I am feeling absolutely on a high now.Here is what the Ugich Konitari says…