The Cape of Good Hope, The Cape Point and Gold Mine
African penguins are small creatures, about 18″ tall. As I was approaching the beach where they were lying ‘sun bathing’ there was a sudden uproar among tourists – a seal had caught a tiny penguin and had him for his ‘breakfast’. I missed watching it; I was quite a few feet away from the scene of action, but watching it would not have given me any great pleasure.
At Cape Point two currents meet, one from Atlantic coming from Antartica and the other coming from Madagascar, Indian Ocean. The most interesting feature is that the temperature difference of the sea at the two sections is 4 to 6 degrees!

I also visited a Gold Mine. They take you 750 ft below surface.
They say that for every bar of gold produced one person has lost his life!
The Gold Mine, Rocks containing gold [they are black and not golden!]
At Botanical Garden, Cape Town
The Proteas Flower, there are several varieties of Proteas. The National Flower.
I can’t take off my eyes….
They say 'Geography is history' saying that the digital world is moving closer to each other !
But geography has its portions which the digital world can never bridge. Glad that you are experiencing this and having a good time at this.
Thanks for sharing sir.
Its all about Hope,
Good Hope,
that there will be Peace.
Two flowing thoughts,
one hotter than the other,
mixing in peace,
as they dash
against the rocks,
but still together.
This land of gold
and sweat and blood,
The mines shimmer
in the winter dawn,
As the sun
in benevolence,
pours its warmth,
Good Hope
and concern,
On the Proteas,
blooming in welcome
for our friends,
Vivek and Sulabhatai….
Wonderful photos. And fantastic rock structure that I see at the Cape. The landscape and your descriptions make us imagine that we are actually seeing it.
I like the thought of the degree differences at the point where the oceans meet. There's something real about it, as if to touch the uniqueness of both.
Lovely pictures. Thank you for sharing.
Lovely Pictures!! Thanks for sharing the information!! I loved reading the post it is good informative!! Thanks Sir!!
Dear Kavi, Aleta, Swatantra
Thanks. You have always been encouraging me,
Dear UK,
Another great poem. Consider starting a poetry blog now, I will be a regular reader.
Lovely pictures, and a very interesting post!