Some hope about American Arrogance
I just finished the previous post and read that the US plans to construct a ‘Statue of Responsibility’. This will be on the west coast.
Wikipedia states “The person who suggested the Statue of Responsibility was scholar Viktor Frankl. He recommended “that the Statue of Liberty should be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast.” His thought was that “Freedom, however, is not the last word. Freedom is only part of the story and half of the truth. Freedom is but the negative aspect of the whole phenomenon whose positive aspect is responsibleness. In fact, freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness.”
Some hope that it will have positive influence on the American Arrogance!
And sir, the wiki entry states 'There has been little evidence since then that the statue has progressed towards completion'
I wonder if this is because such a statue was on the west coast. Or because it involved a degree of responsibility !
Hmm !
I know what you mean Vivek,
Mrs. Clinton and friends are up in arms about the possibility of Mr Megrahi being sent home to his own country … this shows that perhaps we in a small country like Scotland perhaps may be able to think for themselves …
Methinks the powers that be in America are terrified that the 'whole truth' about the Lockerbie bombing may just see the light of day …. hmm the *rap may them hit the proverbial Fan perhaps??
Very nice thoughts!! I enjoyed reading it.. Thanks for sharing!!
Interesting idea- Statue of Responsibility!
This makes me sad. From the depths of me, it truly does. I work hard, my family works hard, we handle responsiblities (no credit cards, living within our means, sharing when we can, volunteer work for those in need)… but actions speak not just for a situation but for a community. Arrogance..? Truly, makes me sad. You're not the first to tell me such. It's one of the reasons I won't travel overseas. Too many Americans before me have paved an unwelcome path that I'd rather not travel.
I can only apologize for Americans in general, for the wrongs we've done. But I love America, that can't be denied either.
I liked your post very much.It is very interesting and I enjoyed reading it.
That was a very nice idea. Infact responsibility and freedom are complement to one another.