The Studied Reassurance!
There were some surprises for me in the last three days.
I am a part of an informal group called ‘Vidyadaan Sahayyak Mandal.’ This group helps the needy students in Thane and Shahapur [near Thane] to complete their studies. The help is mainly financial but any other help is also arranged if required.

Firstly, I thought we will run short of money. The number of students whom we help has grown from 16 to more than 60 in a short time. Discovery is that we never run short of money. If we need more money, one has to put a word and donors quickly come in. [Needless to say that accounts are meticulously kept and the people leading this group are very respectable people in this city.]
Secondly, I thought we will meet students who may not have much ‘developable potential.’ Discovery is that there are some brilliant students in this group. They are not only brilliant but also deeply committed to excellence in their studies. Commitment to studies [and learning] is a common feature with all.
Chetana [about whom I have written earlier] wants to be a lawyer. She is doing well in her studies. She is pursuing studies in Arts and also doing a D Ed course. Alert, sensitive and intelligent, she surprises you often with her insightful answers.
And there is Prakash. He copied Veena Gawankar’s book ‘Ek Hota Carver’ because he was inspired by it and he could not afford to buy it. He is doing well in his studies.
I am proud of this group of students. And I am proud of Sriram Naniwadekar, Satyajeet and Geeta Shah, Suhas Chandekar [I am naming these as I know them well, but there are others in this group whom I do not know so well]. With devoted persons like them and with hard working brilliant students like Chetana and Prakash, I feel that India surely has a very bright future. No further evidence is required for me.
I held training programs for them – one in Thane and the other in Shahapur. In recent times this has been a very satisfying work and experience for me.