Some Thoughts And Feelings March 14

And here are some thoughts and feelings, all my own:
Like the only victory that we seem to score is the one over the Somali pirates. Sixty-one pirates were captured recently. Although it cannot be called a battle, it is nevertheless a satisfying development.
Like I wonder why the Somali pirates are not working with our political leaders. They will make more money if they did. I guess more than one hundred are in the police custody. I deeply suspect that they must be feeling safer there than their own country!
Like I am curious about the outcome of ND Tiwari’s [age 85] paternity test. Paternity of a person can be proved beyond reasonable doubt if the results are not tampered with.
Like the tragic events in Japan only go to confirm that ‘calamities come not in single, but in numbers.’ Cricket crazy India shifted its attention to the Japanese tragedy from World Cup.
Like the I wonder if economic tsunami will soon hit the country. I await the forecasts of experts.
Like my sympathies are with Egyptian who won, with Libyan rebels who are still fighting, with Naxalites alike, and also with Air India pilots who have declared their intention to go on strike from March 16. And my wife says that I seem to be sympathising with people who want to change old systems; she is right [as always!]. I think there is something in the air that makes me pro-revolution.