Professional Development for HR Managers
Those who know Ganesh Chella, the Founder and CEO of Totus Consulting, will tell you that he has a very creative mind. Trust him to take some bold steps to make meaningful contribution in any field of his choice, whether it is research or consulting. He has now made another very interesting move, setting up Totus HR School. This is a very different concept on which Ganesh is working, so we interviewed him. Read on…..
Q: What do you see as a challenge before the HR community?
A: You will agree that no other profession has experienced as much evolution, identity transformation and, of course, self-critique as the HR profession has. The scale and pace of business growth that we, as HR practitioners, have had to support in India has been unprecedented. Meeting the needs and expectations of business keeping in mind the interest of employees while upholding our own professional standards and retaining our professional pride has never been more challenging.

Q: And your response has been to set up Totus HR school. Tell us more about it.
A: Totus HR School has been founded to promote continuing professional development for HR practitioners so they are able to contribute with competence and pride in the ever changing world of work. The focus of Totus HR school is on creating HR leaders with deep generalist capabilities, at par with the best in the world. To this end, our developmental interventions will place a huge emphasis on personal change, development of new skills and behaviours and practical application. Our offerings will also be future focused because we want to be prepared and proactive. Through this we would like to earn the right to be the HR practitioner’s learning partner for life.
Q: So what are your offerings?
A: The Integrated Professional Development Program series for HR practitioners will be offered across three career levels
1. The Emerging HR Professional: around 3 – 7 years of experience
2. The Trusted HR Partner : around 7 – 12 years of experience
3. The Strategic HR Leader : around 12 – 20 years of experience
Totus HR School will also offer standalone programs in specific areas for all HR practitioners.
Business leaders play a huge role in championing and partnering with HR practitioners as their internal clients. To this end, we will offer programs in specific areas for business leaders responsible for championing the HR function.
Contact details
Totus HR School [P] Ltd. #43, Bazullah Road, T.Nagar, Chennai 600 017. Tel: +91-44-28150690 / 91 Fax: +91-44-42024154