Three Sketches

The passion is to sketch anything that attracts my eyes. Absolutely anything. As the message in ‘Art Before Breakfast’ is: ‘Don’t think, Draw.’ I agree!

This light which is above the fireplace strongly attracted my attention today. There is something about the light in which one takes a photograph of the sketch. It often shows grey tinge to the white.

Yesterday I could not sleep for a long time. So out came the journal. And two pencils. Here is the sketch of Annika’s [my granddaughter] study table.

I was travelling from Birmingham to London Euston by Virgin Rail. It was First Class and it had just one more passenger besides me. This is how a section of seats looked from my seat. I drew this with ball point pen. So no room for error; or error shows!

This sketching is very enjoyable. Maintain an art journal instead of diary. Just do it! 
