I strolled through the Wimbledon Common. They had set up a small fair. Wimbledon Fair 2016. Here are some moments I caught quickly. A boat…
Here are some glimpses of what I saw at Wimbledon. More to come. All my work. Copyright. Vivek S Patwardhan
I went out to Wimbledon Park this morning. I saw a swan. “Is that a Swan?” I asked elderly man standing near the lake. “Yes”…
The problem with having a smartphone in hand is that it makes you a clicker. Not using the word ‘photographer’ is intentional as you will…
Anand Awadhani handed over his book ‘Prakash vata’ to me. He wrote about Dr Prakash Amte, the younger son of Baba Amte and his work…
Have you heard of any organisation which transforms people regularly and systematically? May be you have. Or maybe you haven’t. You would have experienced transformation…