Innovative Agreement at Wilo Mather & Platt
There are a few agreements which deserve attention because they represent a certain healthy trend in employee relations. The innovative agreement at Wilo Mather & Platt belongs to that class!
Readers will recall a trend setting agreement at ASAL [Read about it HERE] or Automotive Stampings & Assemblies Ltd. The union seized initiative and offered to increase the productivity and ‘earn’ their wage increase. Such a different, and refreshing approach – thanks to Arvind Shrouti of Option Positive whose thought leadership has left indelible mark on industrial relations in Pune region. The Wilo Mather & Platt agreement distinguishes itself – it provides for sharing wealth with workers – sharing gross profits!
Similar approach was tried successfully in Wilo Mather & Platt at their plant in Pune. In this short video Mr Hemant Watve, MD & CEO of Wilo Mather & Platt Pumps P Ltd. explains how they went about it. He also explains the fundamental considerations in such an innovative agreement.
If this inspires a few to try new approaches to labour agreements based on sustainability, the purpose of this blog post will be well served!
Vivek S Patwardhan
This is really great.May this approach be adopted by many more. Union and Management both deserve sincere compliments.
This is worth propagating a lot.Mr Hemant Watve and Arvind Shrouti have done a tremendous job.They both would have been put to mega intellectual challenges ; which they have met successfully.We will join in propagating this experiment and spirit all over.
Thanks a lot Sir, for sharing such a great experiment in such a simple and effective manner.
Dear Sir,
Wonderful effort, looks simple but is not so.
Thank you for sharing, creating a “Win Win situation” has only been heard off; but we see it coming to reality.
Inspiring, thinking through approach.
Compliments to the entire team
Yesterday, I saw a Hollywood Movie “Green Lantern”, a science fiction thriller with a concept of “Will Power” being the most powerful and positive green energy in the Universe and today morning I watched your video! The sheer “Will” to resolve and sustain has done the wonders! Thank you and Congratulations team M & P!
Thanks for sharing Sir.
This is really great and I think it is need of the hour that HR fraternity takes initiative in driving this approach in our respective Organizations. We are in the negotiation process and I am happy to share that we are in the right direction.
A very progressive thinking by both the parties to the Settlement.SUSTAINABILITY is a very crucial aspect – respected by both the parties.This is unique.Many other things like MOST, MOP etc.are not so uncommon .What is appreciable is that both the parties were open to” listening ” other party’ s concerns and find a solution.This is the spirit which should thrive in the industry.One sided view of the issues is a killer.Congrats to all stake holders and to Arvind Shrotri.Thanks a ton to vivek for sharing with us.
Really innovative concept based on MOP. Eliminating wasteful activities which can be related to process, material movement, deploying unskilled person which can lead to rework etc. add value. Ultimately any monetary increase, ishould first get generated, and certainly such ideas help in sustainability for building competative culture and positive relations. ??