Telepathy: When They Say Good Bye
I was sitting in my garden watching autos and cars moving recklessly. The sun was going down toward horizon. Darkness was creeping in the sky. I was engrossed in my thoughts, thinking about telepathy, so I had not noticed Lulu, my parrot. He was perched on the empty chair near me.
“Dusk is the time to reflect” Lulu said, “When you sit quiet at the end of the day, you realise that darkness has set in, but insight has grown clearer.”
“You said it, Lulu” I sat up as I chewed a toothpick. “I am feeling rather gloomy ever since I called up my friend. His wife answered who had the bad news for me.” I threw away the toothpick.
“I understand you. When I saw you putting down your mobile I knew instinctively that you had heard something unpleasant. What’s that? Tell me.” Parrots instinctively empathise, I have experienced this time and again.
“She said he had a brain tumour. Almost inaccessible, and fast developing. The family and doctors had given up hope of his survival. Somebody from their family picked up phone from her hands as she could not speak further.”
“Tut, tut! His wife!! She must have been in deep sorrow herself.”
“Yes. The man who picked up phone from her said that the family was praying for his early ‘release.’”
“My prayers for your friend.”
“We worked together for a long time. He was my colleague. We struck a good bond. We often talked over phone after his retirement. He retired ten years ago. And the frequency of our contact gradually reduced.”
“It often happens that way. And one day we suddenly remember our friend and call him up.”
“Yes Lulu. I had not spoken to him for three years. It was his birthday last week. I suddenly remembered him and called up.” I chewed another toothpick and threw it away.
“You of course did the right thing, but you must not have expected this jolt.”
“True, Lulu”
“The problem is that we know that all have to leave this world someday, yet we feel that our friends and relatives are immortals.”
“You put it so well.”
Lulu hopped from the back of the chair on to the arm, looked at me and said, “Do you know what PG Wodehouse said when he was informed that his daughter was no more?”
“Tell me”
“He said ‘Oh, I thought she was immortal!’”
“A father never thinks that his daughter would pass away before him. And we think none of our friends will pass away before us. Immortals! Hmmmm…..I had spoken a few soothing words to my friend’s wife. That was all I could do. Consolation by the helpless, of the helpless.”
“Tell me – What made you give a call to your friend whom you had not spoken to in the last three years?”
The traffic had come to a standstill. Motorists were honking, they make such a noisy group. Nobody knew what had caused the hold up. Suddenly it stopped. Traffic moved like a crocodile on the river bank.
“I remembered him on his birthday.”
“You did not remember him on his birthdays the previous two years.”
“No, I did not remember, I regret I did not remember.”
“But you remembered this year.”
“Yes, what are you driving at?”
“Those who are about to leave this world communicate with those who are close to them. They somehow make you remember them suddenly.” Lulu hopped on the arm of my chair. The autos and cars has switched on their headlights. One could see silhouettes of moving vehicles and their beams of light.
“Now that you say this Lulu, I realise that I had a strong feeling when my father was taken for a simple, routine procedure in a hospital. I had panicked, feeling that he may not return. And he never did.”
“Yes, and a similar feeling on the day before a certain gentleman whom I had held in deep respect passed away. Oh, how helpless I feel. What can I do? Why does this happen?”
“You can’t do much. And nobody can explain why this happens. We can only make a meaning. They come to say good bye. You can express gratitude for what they gave you – deep affection and friendship. Take deep breath, say your prayers and thank the Lord for such people in your life.”
It was dark now. The yellow sodium vapour lamps had lit the road. The traffic was moving slowly. The traffic police was in action controlling it.
Vivek S Patwardhan
Excellent and very well written.
These words are so true…”Take deep breath, say your prayers and thank the Lord for such people in your life.”
I remember when one of my deeply respected mentor at Chennai passed away I just did this.
As it is said “Death lays it’s icy hands on Kings”.
Sir, your entire write up touches the heart and took me in to deep thinking.
But last para is just great.
To pray for the wonderful people we have in our life and to thank God for the same is a great idea.
Just a thought to share :
If we love, respect or care for someone, let us tell them so, before it is too late.
Sir, thanks a lot forsharing this great wisdom
Dear Vivek, a beautiful, emotional and thought provoking post. One cannot but be moved by the emotions behind your thoughts. investing in people, remaining in touch and demonstrating that we care is so very important.
Really very touching….
You have actually brought out something which we all experience in our life but seldom have the wisdom to accept it.The word ‘Telepathy’ may be the right one to express it even though we try to find some scientific explanation but fail to do so. Relationships, the stronger they are, somehow create an invisible bond which react when one of the member passes away to the other side. This is true for family as well as friends and very nicely expressed through your words…..
Agree with your thought process. I felt the same when I lost my near and dear ones!
I would like to believe, our prayers for them help them in their further journey. Many a times I felt, I was guided and saved during many difficult times!
Liked the last lines which mentions traffic control and indicates mind traffic to be manageable.
Very well expressed feelings on a colleague cum friend passing away.It was so touching. It is said that Death and taxes are inevitable. your message tells aptly how to deal with it.
Beautiful! Telepathy or sixth sense, you name it! I have had couple of such experiences as well, I guess everyone does! We offer prayers, offer gratitude and await, for what lies ahead!
So true Sir. It is important to pay attention to such indications. Thanks for sharing.