When We Carry a Bleeding Wound Lulu, my parrot, flew in and settled on my worktable. His reflection on the dark screen created a beautiful…

Nurturing Sensibility and Sensitivity I click photographs when I see anything interesting. I entered Taj Santacruz which is my favourite hotel and waited for my…

Preparing To Lead A Meaningful Life You turned sixteen today, it is your birthday. Many happy returns of the day. (This was my letter to…

And The Road to Inner Triumph “Interesting point” Lulu, my parrot, pointed out to an article on my table. “He speaks of primary greatness and…

In Our Corrupt And Violent World “The young man had a whale of a time” Lulu, my parrot, said, “and the worst time of life…

The Inevitable Happens With Old Age We friends had decided to meet. I looked for Sunil, my friend as I entered the Udipi café. He…

When a Story Resonates with Our Concerns “‘Old Man at the Bridge’! Ernest Hemingway’s stories are intriguing for me” I waved a book which had…

Our Work Affects Us But Therein Lies a Message “What makes you smile?” Lulu, my parrot asked me. Lulu is a keen observer and my…

“Hello, this is interesting; trying your hand at art? I have never seen you sketching and drawing. Now, now! what is going on?” Lulu flipped…