American Technocrat Who Loves India Speaks About Coaching Dr Mosongo Moukwa, President of Hathaway Advanced Materials has a special place in his heart for India,…

Preparing To Lead A Meaningful Life You turned sixteen today, it is your birthday. Many happy returns of the day. (This was my letter to…

Trend Setting Negotiations at BOSCH, Pune Skill Development is the way forward. Arvind Shrouti is a relentless crusader for innovation in settlement negotiations and for…

Reviews and Improvements “Giving marks? What are you evaluating?” Lulu, my parrot, asked me as he looked down. He was perched on my shoulder. These…

“How many blogs have you written so far?” Lulu, my parrot, watching me use my laptop. Lulu, my parrot, speaks like a well-trained lawyer. No…

This program, Mashaal[1] is all about Leadership. (This was my address at the Mashaal Program held during June 30-July 02, 2022). And what is Leadership?…

“I was in Lonavala for two days attending a conference.” Lulu had flown in to my study and settled on my laptop. “The world knows…

“Yesterday a young friend called up, and our conversation reminded me of the snake at house 84” I was writing my morning pages as I…

“And the second question was ‘How do you judge your own performance?’” I told Lulu, my parrot. I was referring to the interview of Suhas…