Her Happy Retired Life I was casually glancing through the new year greetings I had received and sent, and it struck me that I had…

‘Their Life After Retirement’ Series Part 2 Some people find unusual solutions to their problem. It is not a well-trodden path so there are difficulties…

What Price To Pay For ‘Progress’ I have always wondered what impact retirement has on the lives of workers. Arvind Shrouti and I decided to…

His Bold Solutions To Burning Issues Bernie Sanders has said it all! Everything, which HR and Industrial Relations professionals have been saying. He has said…

Ms Anjali Bedekar recently retired from her active and illustrious career as a Trade Union Leader. Outspoken and yet amiable leader, she is well known…

Deadly Delays in the Delivering Justice I have written about the travails of the housekeeping contract workers of BPCL. You can read it here. The…

Amazon Must Change Its People Practices Amazon is in the news for a wrong reason! Business Today reports: The NHRC (National Human Rights Commission) took…

Trend Setting Negotiations at BOSCH, Pune Skill Development is the way forward. Arvind Shrouti is a relentless crusader for innovation in settlement negotiations and for…

The Tell-All Book on Child Labour Our first meeting was not about child labour or his book ‘Porya.’ He left a great impression in the…

Meaningful Conversations Hold The Key Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you to this 9th IR Summit of National HRD Network, titled ‘Industrial Relations for the…