A Quote Of Arms For Kaizen
“What a quote! Don’t deny the reality of your situation, deny the finality of your situation” I read out loudly as Lulu came in from the window of my study and perched on my shoulder.
“Good thought. Good insight, actually. And you need it,” he said as he laughed.
“Oh, shut up, Lulu.”
“What book is that?”
“It is interestingly titled ‘Kaizen ‘K’uotes For A kaizen ‘C’ulture’. This is a collection of quotes.”
“You too have a habit of collecting good thoughts or quotes. And publishing them as a tweet when you have nothing to tweet.”
“Ha,ha! You should not let my secrets out in public. Good thoughts put crisply make me think and inspire me. And I liberally use them in my writing.”
“Yes, yes! Your favourite author Somerset Maugham said, ‘The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit!’”
“He is right. Men with poor grey matter find it useful”
“Oh, tut, tut! I did not mean to offend you. I have a question. Why do people collect quotable quotes?”
“So that they can ‘parrot’ them at the right time! Ha, ha!! But on a serious note, many quotes encapsulate wisdom. They set you thinking.”
“I have seen many people randomly opening a page from Bhagawadgita. They believe that it carries the Divine message on how to carry themselves during the day. Or perhaps in life.”
“Some quotes, or gems of wisdom, if you wish to call them so, get so deep rooted in mind that they change our way of thinking and behaving.”
“Like, Einstein’s words – “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.” When you deal with problems, people problems in particular, this helps you crack some of them.”
“Yup, I see your point.”
“And when a retired person like me looks back and thinks about his life, his work he realizes Michelle Cliff’s words – ‘Our lives are written in disappearing ink’. How true!”
“Yet people have such craving for immortality. Did you not see expression of it everywhere? Your political leaders go to the extent of creating a number plate of their car to read “Dada” or “Bhau”. Phew!”
“Those are cases of seeds falling on stones and not on fertile soil. Ignore them, not quotes, but ‘notes’ will satisfy them.”
“Why do people collect quotable quotes? That’s the question. We need to explore it more.”
“In lighter vein I would like to quote Amanda Cross – ‘The point of quotations is that one can use another’s words to be insulting’ she says.”
“You are distracting the discussion. Why did, for example, Vinod Grover collate those quotes?”
“Vinod Grover is a great man. He is the Kaizen Champion who has helped several organizations build Kaizen culture.”
“That’s okay, he must be a good man, but why did he make this collection of quotes. You have not answered the question, my dear.”
“I can only guess, hmmmm…. , and I think my guess will be quite accurate. Grover has made Kaizen a way of his life. Kaizen means change for the better, as you know.”
“He is reaching out to others extending his philosophy and hopes to inspire others?”
“I think so. He has classified his collection in 40 groups.”
“That’s really very noble. Changing for the better is a simple way to lead a good life – increasingly better life. But sometimes a change poses difficult questions to us. We have to decide which bridge to cross and which to burn. Quotes help you reflect on life and arm with a guidance, and that is their value to us. A quote of arms, pun intended.” Lulu looked at me, and I nodded in agreement.
Vivek S Patwardhan
“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” **** “Aroehan: Creating Dream Villages in Mokhada by 2025: “No Malnutrition Deaths, No Child ‘Out of School’, Reduction in migration by 50%.”
Good thoughts put crisply make me think …perfect explanation for referring to and using quotes. A good quote makes you think and to use it appropriately you need to have understood it . So I doubt if one can quote with relevance if one has not understood it.
Very well written as usual.
Found an original quotable quote – “We have to decide which bridge to cross and which to burn”.
Yes indeed, difficult though.
Keep sharing,
Thanks Vivek.
Quotes are good to read and reflect …I find your articles have references and interesting quotes.
Use of quotes perhaps help some authors to substantiate a point of view.
On a lighter note ..at times even WA messages carry quotes with a “picture” of Abdul Kalam, Ratan Tata and some others too
Articulation n examples are well crafted .
This makes it interesting read.
Write up has your stamp all over it!
Thanks. Well-written as always. …My perennial problem is to remember the right quotes at the right time. Any tips on that? 🙂
I have recently started following you, but its really a divine experience to go through your Good Reads and of course in today’s post related to Quotes , its very true that Quotes make an impact if sank properly .
Yes. Quotes are like milestones on a long journey. We don’t know how far we’ve come till we happen to see one.
And that’s why we seek them, I guess..
Refreshing chat with Lulu as always
And many nights endure
Without a moon or star
So we will endure
When one is gone and far…
Through windows in the dark
The children come, the children go
Like arrows with no targets
Like shackles made of snow…
– Poetry like this survives the poet. Leonard Norman Cohen CC GOQ (September 21, 1934 – November 7, 2016) was a Canadian singer-songwriter, poet, and novelist
Sir – You have touched upon one of the most impacting forms of communication – use of quotes.
Having repository of quotes is wealth.
Quotes make complex issue simple and close to hart! An perhaps that’s why we like them!
Loved reading it.
I have myself collected quotes since my school days.
I remember when I was in 8th standard, I started writing a journal and decorated the front pages with my favourite quotes written in colorful pens 🙂
To me, those quotations are like wisdom that we have inherited. And also those quotations made me realise how powerful words can be.