People in Black and White

People in Black and White

Never see people in Black and White, they are all shades of grey is a common saying. And it is true.  

Is that the reason people in Black and White appear more real than in colour photographs? Or is it that Black and White creates some magic around them?

As teenagers we watched Black and White movies. Colour films was a novelty, so colours attracted us more than the greys. But nostalgia is recorded in our grey matter in greys, I am sure, otherwise what else can explain this fascination for Black and White films and photographs later in life?

There are dozens of photographs of Waheeda Rehman in the news because she has been awarded Dadasaheb Phalke Puraskar, and almost all her photographs are in Black and White. She does look more beautiful that way.

During my stay at London and visit to Ireland, I clicked many photographs. And this photograph of my co-traveler when he stood still on the beach. The sun was moving towards the horizon. A perfect setting for meditation. And for his Black and White photograph depicting his meditative posture.

Similarly, people stood still and waited for announcement of the trains at (Liverpool Street) station. Completely focused on the display board. Like Arjun focusing his gaze on the bird’s eyes. Ignoring the beautiful roof over their head.

Some others wait for their bus to arrive ….

And this little girl is creating her art, and the activity has occupied her mind ….

Some watch a street artist perform while waiting …..

But these young girls cannot stand still a moment. Standing motionless is an activity reserved exclusively for the adults, not for the lively young girls ….

I captured a meditative man and energetic girls in the same frame, all completely lost in their worlds. A clear case, I say, of capturing meditation and dynamic meditation (as Osho says) in one frame. For me it was a rare moment. Henri Cartier-Bresson, undoubtedly one of the greatest photographers of all time said, “To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event.” Yes Sir!

I have been taking innumerable photos (at the speed of light). Black and White, in particular. All with my mobile camera. A photographer friend said that the biggest mistake a photographer makes is not to carry his camera wherever he goes. Well, I have taken him very seriously as you will see, I carry my mobile everywhere, much to the annoyance of my darling wife (not in picture!).

All my photographs, copyrighted.

Vivek S Patwardhan

“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”