Some thoughts and some feelings, all mine: Like the Army Chief must know that in any battle both the sides receive wounds. And his disclosure…

“Why are you sitting on my shoulder and making a ‘tut, tut’ sound?” I questioned Lulu, my parrot angrily. “Oh, chill man, don’t get upset….

There are three news reports about strikes. When read individually, those may sound as very routine stories, but when read together they present a terrible…

Sachin has hit the 100thcentury. [Since nobody has asked for my reaction, and nobody will, it is time to write about it.] For the generation…

The trouble with studying in good management institutes is that the students very often do not understand what it means to work in industry. They…

“Where are you Lulu?” I called out to talk to my parrot, Lulu. “Here, right above your head on this small branch,” he responded. I…

Arvind Shrouti of Option Positive, the advisor to 100+ unions in the Pune – Chinchwad belt invited me to join a very novel project. If…