The word ‘Tuberculosis’ brings old memories. Not very pleasant. That’s an understatement. Painful they are. The event which brought those memories was the health check-up…

It’s time to bid good bye to London and return to Home Sweet Home. Here are some images which I will carry. A photo-diary. [All…

The passion is to sketch anything that attracts my eyes. Absolutely anything. As the message in ‘Art Before Breakfast’ is: ‘Don’t think, Draw.’ I agree!This…

My adventures in painting have continued, on this occasion with guidance from Aditi Apte. I thought that every relationship goes thru a storm. Or storms…

Among things which have fascinated me are stairs. We stayed on the first floor in my younger days, and at my home, there was a…

Yes, it is time to meet Sonakshi. I will come to that in a moment.I noticed this beautiful shrub as I entered my son’s house…