Prof RSS Mani On Industry Institute Interface
I met Prof RSS Mani after a gap of long time. I had boarded a flight from Chennai and he entered. Coincidentally, he was seated was next to me. So both of us did not know how next 90 minutes flew, there was so much to talk about.
We have a lot of things in common. And a lot of things not at all that way. We share a common birthday. We enjoy teaching. Our views on issues in HR and ER are same, though he can articulate them better than me.
And there are differences – he is extrovert, enjoys limelight – and deserves it too. He moves fast, I combine the bad qualities of both the hare and the tortoise.
Meetings with him are always enjoyable, and he ensures to keep good time reserved for our meeting. The last meeting was in his office at Vashi. The view from his office was captivating.
I asked him to talk about Academia-Corporate interface. There is a lot happening in this area, some good trends, some otherwise. And then I recorded his views on using Internet and Social media for Learning. Watch the videos.
Vivek S Patwardhan