In Our Corrupt And Violent World “The young man had a whale of a time” Lulu, my parrot, said, “and the worst time of life…

“I have been thinking about this for a long time. Some moments remain etched in one’s mind; and we wonder why!” I spoke to Lulu,…

“I am packing my bags, Lulu” I told my parrot. Lulu has often given me company when I set out to travel. The trouble is…

“What are you writing?” Lulu, my parrot asked. With a nice red band across his neck he appeared as if wearing a bow tie. “Diary,…

“Why this broom in your hand today?” Lulu, my parrot asked as he laughed. He was unable to control his laughter. I was standing on…

“Narayan Rane has done it again” I told Lulu, my parrot, and said, “He is unhappy, very unhappy, but he will continue in Congress party;…