Pune industrialists seem to pick important days to down the shutters without warning and delivering shocks to their employees. We published how Racold closed down…

“Never expected to see you in London” I told Lulu, my parrot. There is a large parrot community in London. No Sir, I am not…

The way you resolve conflicts tells a million words about your character. The latest provocation to write on this subject comes from the way Racold…

“Reading Diwali special numbers?” Lulu, my parrot asked. Diwali magazines are special Marathi publications; some of those are annuals, and they bring thought-provoking articles to…

“It is complex” I said. Sometimes you are thinking deeply and then instinctively speak out your thought. “What is complex” Lulu, my parrot asked. “Don’t…

“Have you ever been asked to leave a restaurant?” Lulu, my parrot, asked. Trust lulu for asking unexpected questions. “Never”, curious are the ways of…

“Hello” Lulu, my parrot called. He hopped on to my study table as I nodded and acknowledged. “What’s the matter? I called you twice, you…

“What gives people the strength to face such insurmountable problems in life?” I asked Lulu, my parrot while he nibbled at chillies. “I was reflecting…

I met Mr Govind Dholakia [‘Govindkaka’ to everybody] in Surat. My friends in Surat had told me that he is an extra-ordinary person. I was…

I published the story of Rajendra Vighe. It was captioned ‘The Contracts of Exploitation.’ In this post I take the story further to explain how…