Thane HR Group had invited Dr. Vidyadhar Ishwar (Labour Economist and Associate Prof at Aston University, Birmingham, UK) to deliver a talk on ‘Labour Market…

Meet this exceptional boy, Kabir Parikh. He is not a celebrity; but I will not be surprised if he eventually becomes one. The tell-tale signs…

दत्ता इस्वलकर मला ऐकूनच ठाऊक होते. प्रत्यक्ष कधीच भेटलो नव्हतो. ते गिरणी कामगारांचे नेतृत्व करीत होते, आणि मी त्या वेळेस, म्हणजे २००८ साली, एशिअन पेंट्स…

Hello everybody and welcome to this third edition of the ‘Mashaal’, the Leadership Development program for Healthcare Professionals. We have divided this program in three…