How Voluntarism Can Make Big Change This ‘Mashaal’ story began in 2017 when (Late) Dr Sheetal Amte thought of enhancing leadership skills among healthcare professionals….

Indrajit Gupta Facilitated Insightful Fireside Chat With Three Leaders And (saluting the inimitable Busybee) here are a few thoughts and feelings, all mine, on the…

Ms Anjali Bedekar recently retired from her active and illustrious career as a Trade Union Leader. Outspoken and yet amiable leader, she is well known…

They Showed The Way, Any Takers? In my earlier blog post on Tata Steel (Social Security For Tata Steel Contract Workers ) I presented the…

Advice to HR Head for Success Hello, Congratulations and some words of advice on your taking up a new role as Head of HR. You…

Anyone Can Be A Hero, Conditions Apply “You once mentioned Naseema Hurzuk”, Lulu, my parrot, said as he shuffled a book. “She is a disabled…

There are several books on leadership, yet this book ‘Be a Leader of Significance’ stands out in many ways. Firstly, it is authored by a…

“Working With Values For Organizational Growth – Lessons Learnt From the Field” Conversations and stories are critical to further our understanding of any topic. Particularly…

That was a pleasant surprise for me. I entered my Institute, known to the world as MILS or Maharashtra Institute of Labour Studies although the…

“What’s that? River of Life?” Lulu, my parrot, glanced at the paper on my table which was otherwise blank but for the caption written on…